What is a Googlewak?
A few nights ago, my friend Jake put a dvd on about a comedian named David Gorman and his experience with "Googlewak". What is a googlewak? i hear you ask, well basically its a game that people play using the google search engine. Basically you enter TWO and only 2 words into the search with the outcome returning just and only ONE website. easy you may think, well its far from it. Google searches over 4 billion pages of information that contain your words therefore you have to be somewhat inventive. but it can be done as this comedian explained which unfortunately i cannot devulge his experience as it has to be seen to be believed. Lets just say that before this googlewak experience he was given the bet to meet 50 other people named naturallly "David Gorman" and his time limit was to succeed by the end of the year. He travelled all over the world and even talked, coaxed 3 women into changing their name by deed poll to david gorman.....but he did it.
So now i put it to YOU, try this googlewak and if you, should you, do find a googlewak. Please tell me what you found as i will keep you all updated with my googlewak.
So now i put it to YOU, try this googlewak and if you, should you, do find a googlewak. Please tell me what you found as i will keep you all updated with my googlewak.
At 5:03 am ,
Anonymous said...
i found one "square treehouses"
At 9:27 am ,
Anonymous said...
"hetkel mahalaskmissoovi" and "partonif kai" are both googlewaks
At 5:08 am ,
Anonymous said...
Not anymore, now that you've metioned them on this sight too!
At 9:22 am ,
Anonymous said...
hey i um found decemated animator
At 12:50 pm ,
Unknown said...
its not googlewak, its googlewhack. and google "googlewhack" to find out more about it and the rules and to enter in you googlewhack. its fun to try to find them. i almost got one with "disinfracised duck" lol
At 11:25 pm ,
Anonymous said...
it stops being a googlewak soon as you post it here because it shows up in the search engine! dumb
At 9:32 pm ,
Anonymous said...
You're right. Anything you post here will show 1 more hit... hmm. In that case "eiwot jheiao" is now an artificial googlewhack :D
At 4:44 am ,
Stee said...
Dude, i found several googlewaks and i just HAD to tell u that once people comment on here of their google wak it is no longer a google wak because it is on the original googlewak site AND this one.
id tell you a few of mine but then they would no longer be googlewaks
you would be better off with a mailbox or something for people to send them to if you wanna find some
Best of luck Stee
At 8:09 pm ,
Stee said...
i love Tobias' idea, infoholic googlewhack is now offial too haha good work T
At 12:32 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Here's one: Spazzy mc spazzatura cesto
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