MaksDaddy Herald

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

America's Cup: No Small Feat

With a little over a week till the face off against old foe's Alinghi the team took a much needed are deserved 3-day break following the win of the LV Cup over Luna Rossa. The 5-0 win as noted in past has allowed us valuable extra time to refine our boats which have once again hit the waters off Valencia. It's allowed them time to refine the boat to match Alinghi whom they know have a depth of technology and pace they need to match or better.

Grant Dalton was thankful for the time they spent in Auckland working on the boats that meant they didn't fall into the same problems that Luna Rossa did where they were still working on their boat right up to the final race, and that ETNZ are just checking on a few things they did back in AKL, NZ.

Also noted that they are reviewing how to squeeze extra speed out of NZL92 and evaluating from top to bottom and then after the tests, the team will take some time off prior to the first race.

Grant Dalton siad the he and the team can feel the support from their loyal kiwi supporters and its great to know that the excitement surrounding the America's Cup hasn't died in the hearts of Kiwi's. After the 2003 loss a concious decision was made to not court the NZ public and rather let deeds prove stronger than words.


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