Maks Update Tuesday 5th June 2007

Working Saturday and being Queen's Birthday Weekend we found the phone lines dead quiet as most people were out enjoying the extra day in the weekend. Therefore we had a raffle draw of names in the hat of whom would be able to go home early. Of the three drawn mine was the first, so at the hour of 2pm I packed up and raced out the door. The plan was that Leighann would take maks with her to watch her friends play indoor cricket and I would collect her from there instead of driving all the way out to howick. But with the extra time I used that to race down the road and do the groceries as figured that she'd be really hungry when we got home.
On picking her up, Leighann said that's she'd been full of beans and with her running around after Maks hadn't actually seen any cricket and had been there for 4 hours.
As soon as we got in the car and drove off Maks was asking for Simon, so we called him but unfortunately he was busy at work. Advising Maks of this she asked if we could go see Yoni, so we did. This worked out perfectly as Maks had fun playing with Yoni and her friend who are nuts about kids. We left to come back to mine after a quick dinner with Simon, Yoni and her friend and it was straight to bed for the little one after bath and her evening glass of milk, so Simon and I could watch the AB's kick France's C-Team quite easily (but with a few injuries).
I decided not to repeat my mistake where I would stay up to watch the Louis Vuitton Cup and get 3 hours of sleep so instead went to be early at 11pm with Maks waking me up at 1am and ended up sleeping with me till 6am when it was time for breakfast.

Today we went to Butterfly creek where maks got to got two rabbits and pat a big goat before we went to the play ground slide. We then left and went to dress mart for all of 5-10 minutes before she got grumpy and I brought her home where we had a quick nap. At about 4pm we went around to see simon and yoni as I had some Lamb steaks that needed cooking so thought they would be better done on their bbq.
After a short visit, we came home to a bath and supper for maks before friends came round, KJ and Howie.
The next day we just relaxed and chilled out at home playing games, cooked her some nice french toast for lunch, then tried for 2 hours to get her to take a midday nap. Finally got her down for just ovr an hour, then up and atom for games with her daddy (that's me !!) before I got her dinner and bathed prior to Donne picking her up.
It's nice that she wanted me to come with her as I strapped her into her car seat as she cried and screamed for me not to go, love that feeling, but was time for her to go home with her mom.

Needless to say - I took an early invitation to my awaiting bed lastnight as was completely knackered after a long week at work and then with maks.
Still woke up this morning completely knackered though
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