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Monday, October 01, 2007

Mks update 1st Oct 2007

Picked the Princess up from kindy where I walked out to the playground and ran into her coming around the corner but she didn't run to me for the usual hug instead looked up and said "I'm all wet" Hoping that it was a puddle she'd sat in that was not to be the case as she'd unfortunately wet her pants. We are training her fully on the potty now and gone away from putting her in nappies.
A quick change and we were off in the car on the way home where we went through the usualy songs and games of where the boats and trains are all the way until we got back home. We went to see her grandparents where she wet her pants on the sofa so I took her upstairs and into the bath seeing as though we were going out for dinner with the Family. At the restaurant we were waiting for Aunty kaz and Cousing Danika to arrive as Maks anxiously peered out the window looking for them as she sat on her grandad's lap. Once the two got together it was a mission the entire evening, starting with playing with the cutlery and crockery to running around the restaurant laughing and screaming joy's of excitement as they chased each other endlesly. Did manage during that time to eat some food too remarkably but the two love their time together playing games.
The following morning we went to the airport to see YeaYea off as she blew kisses from the upstairs observation deck then we went to great aunty Yeemah's house where Danika and maks did painting, chase each other aronud the garden picking flowers, we had a tea-party and they learnt' tiddly winks.
We left for home sometime after 3pm where she slept in the car and then on my shoulder after we got home.
After the nap, Mom and Danika came around where the games started all over again.
Had somewhat of a restless night as Danika stayed the night and the two although both exhausted didn't know when to call it quits when bed time came. I went to bed with maks beside me and had a restless night as woke up several times with maks using my back as a pillow or throwing her leg's over my shoulders or rolling over and pushing me over the edge of my bed. So She woke up feeling nice and refreshed while I woke with red eyes and still in much need of sleep. When she finally woke up by prying my eyes open only after confirming she'd woken me she slid off the bed and 5 seconds later shrieks of laughter came as her an Danika went about their usual play time.


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