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Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Resolutions

One:- To drop below a handicap of 10, This will require both physical and mental training. Serious concerntration to my short game especially onthe putting aspect. To do this I will need to train with a coach at least no less than once a quarter. Practising 3 times a week, once on the swing and two on the short game.
Mental and pshychological preparation to concerntrate on my inner game (refer to
Two:- Physical training to build up fitness levels and strengthen both body and mind. The training will consist of body contouring, flexibility, endurance, fitness to increase stamina on the course and a focussed mind, so will also quit smoking.
This is a tricky one, there are two choices where the first is to stick with what I'm doing against my better judgement or secondly to find a better paying job.
Also I would like to begin draft's on a book that I've always been wanting to do so the task is to draft out a story board and lay out some characters.
This is easy, just to continually be a better dad to Makayla.
Probably the best thing I can do at this point for my friends is ensure that I regularly see them and spend time with them or at the very least stay in regular contact with them. Ensure to get out regualrly and meet a new friend every month which may lead into...
Well, I'm not holding my breathe just yet but will ensure to find a reliable wingman like Maverick had with goose in the movie Top Gun to tackle the issue of girl fishing.
This is to be simple and easy healthy foods hand-made and not restrict the amount of fast food that is consumed (this I'm ashamed to say hasn't got off to a very good start). Keeping a tighter balance of consuming correct food types and an even balance of flavours, aroma's and textures.

These are solid, not explained in full but my next insert will detail a more concise method.


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