MaksDaddy Herald

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Maks update July 4 2006

It was a sleep in for Maksdaddy this morning for even though Makayla is only 14/5 months young she already know's how to tamper with my radio alarm clock. She'd turned the volume down to zero and if not for the sun filtering through my curtains we could've been rather late. We were up at 8am and it was bathtime followed by her botty and some breakfast at just casual speed and we still had 15 minutes spare which I used to grab a cup of coffee(breakfast) for myself.
Waiting for Kaz and cousin Danika we strolled on down to Kinder care at about 10 to 9 taking Maks in her stroller just in case it rained. Once there I promptly put her down in reception and stowed the push-chair where Maks then took my hand and pulled me directly to her playroom. She was quickly in her own comfort zone playing with all the toys, especially the balloons and the other children whom at least three took to me like flies to s**t, climbing all over me and bringing me toys, one I swear looks like bugs bunny he's that cute. Almost had an elmer fudd but no daffy's fortunately.

Activities for the day were just normal play time then it was morning brunch with fruit and rice crackers quickly followed up with 10 mins playtime outside where Maks could see her cousin playing with the other children in the next class for 2+yr olds. The chill of winter being what it is we allowed them some fresh air before it was time for PLAYDOUGH, this stuff is so cool :-) hehehe. And before we knew what had happend two hours passed in a blink of an eye and it was time to go home.


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