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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Knight Rider Returns

When I was just a young boy I loved watching Knight Rider for it was every boy's dream to have a computerised car that could not only talk back and understand you better than voice controls in a merc but could crash thru concrete walls and turbo boost itself out of any situation.

This year Knight Rider returns to the small screen with a face lift and yet another weak story line. But it was never the story line we were interested in only the situation the car would be placed in and the fun ways it would escape, evade or catch the bad guys. When I was young I had the fortunate opportunity to sit inside and have my picture taken and boy did I have a big happy grin, thank's mom.
The car was on a tour and mom found it was at Glenfield Mall (the old mall) so we jumped in the car and raced on down and I was able to see upfront and personal all the buttons and dials. First thing I looked for was where the turbo boost button was located and after watching the show over the years knew exactly where to look.

The new show is a continuation (to my understanding) not a total remake which gives them a the ability to project a fresh attitude to the show but that remains to be seen. Make up your own minds but for me it's always been about the car, never the story.


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