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Monday, March 03, 2008

Fiji Vacation day 3

It was early to rise on day three of the trip as I checked out and boarded the bus to the Denerau Marina to catch my boat to the islands. They changed my booking based on the availability they had so I would spend two nights on Manta Ray Island and then transport to Beachcomber.

The boat slowly left dock and gradually picked up speed as we entered more open waters stopping off at islands on the way, including 'Beachcomber island' where I would spend the last three days of my vacation so I took a quick snap shot. The boat ride was exquisite as we saw island after island and the water just looked so inviting you wanted to jump over board at each stop. We left Denerau at about 0830hrs and arrived just after 1100hrs to Manta Ray, and transfered from the big cateraman to a small transfer vessel across to the island. As we approached the beach we were met by staff singing joyfully with big smiles. The check in was simple, grab our bags, find your bure' and then your bunk, sign in at reception then up to the main bure' for refreshments and to hear about all the activites on hand. Then came lunch and that went down a treat as I was so hungry.
Following that, I headed down to the beach and lay out in a hammock for a time before grabbing one on the staff's guitars so I could have a play. Then it was time for a snorkle, I didn't go out for too long due to my increasingly painful sunburn from the scooter ride the prior day.
Then I must've just swan a little bit more had a nap under the sun in a beach chair then as the afternoon finally dragged out I had a shower and went up for happy hour !!! and chatted with a few Canadians and Poms hearing about all their travels, some just starting out, some near the end and on average the people are travelling for about 7 months. One couple I met are two years into theirs !!! and I'm just up for a week.

I just have to say something. The heat and humidity is just diabolical !!!

The evening came on so i raced down to my bunk to apply the insect repellant and then popped back up for another beer. After dinner I learnt the Bula Dance which was something of a fun blast and then met two charming german girls from Starnberg, the city an x-girlfriend grew up in so we ended up having a good conversation about germany and starnberg. Later on after a few rounds of cards, we headed down to the beach where they had a bon-fire so i played a few tunes on the spare guitar and then after a few songs we watched a fire dance.

Somewhat shattered, I returned to my bunk where for what seemed an eternity was sweating profusly as if I'd just run 5k's and the sunburn on my shoulders kept me awake. I'd just like to stress, NO AIR CONDITIONING.


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