MaksDaddy Herald

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Maks update August 6th 2006

It's been a rather hectic week with maks being sick throughout the week but she's well on the road to recovery now. Last Wednesday I was at work for roughly over two hours before I received a phone call from Kindercare advising that Makayala had woken from her morning nap with a temperature over 39 degree's. This caused concern so ran straight down from work and picked her up and dropped by the doctors on the way back (must say its handy having them nearby and Doctor Peter Norton is Fabulous with her). We've kept her home for the remainder of the week to allow her to fully recover to which she only now has a runny nose so we're almost clear. She should be able to go back to daycare tommorrow, well I hope so as I can't afford any more sick days.
Friday morning I received a phone call from her Uncle arranging for a round of golf which worked out well as Donne also had the day off and was meeting a good friend we used to work with at Freedomair. I don't think she's seen lil mak's for quite sometime so she would've developed and grown alot since then. Donne and I have noticed that she's grown taller as of recent and know this by her ability to reach things off the dining room table and off counter tops with her lil chubber fingers.
Friday arvo we went to visit her Aunty Leighann at her new flat in hillsborough/Mt Roskill where she was entertained releiving me of some pressure and allowing time to sit back and relax. Leighann will be flying out to live/work in Singapore in a few months time so I want her to spend as much time with Maks as she can before her departure.
Saturday was an early start to what turned out to be a very long day, where my alarm went off at 6am, my secondary at 06:45hrs so I could get up at 7am. We had to be out the door no later than 8am for reason's that will be explained further on. Felt guilty for waking her from her slumber but she soon woke up when she found it was bath time (she's really enjoying bath time now and kicks a hissy fit when the time comes to get out) then it was weetbix for brekkie and a bottle of milk.
We departed my apartment 5 minutes late as were scheduled to pick Donne up at 0830 from her house, but we made good time and arrived 1 minute late. We then made our way south towards Hamilton or "the Tron" for my Grandad's funeral service.
We made good time and had time to pop quickly in to McDonalds to grab breakfast for Donne and myself before continuing on.
During the service, Mak's had a nice nap on the route down so was full of energy during the funeral service running around, ripping up our tissues and trying to climb on to stage. She only sat still during the songs sung through the service.
She was getting quite restless so fortunately Jake offered to take her out and entertain her while Donne and I could remain in the service.
Following the remembrance service there were snacks provided and the opportunity to meet family and friends but we had to depart after a short while as Maks was getting restless once again.
During the burial she was unaware of anything as she was fast asleep in her pushchair and had no idea what was going on until we were back at the motel to rest up. Donne had a rest so I kept maks busy so not to interrupt her mothers rest, although she did get away from me a few times to wake her mom up, Sorry Don.
After a good long break it was pushing on 6pm so we went over to my uncle Ray's house for a snack and be with family and friends before making the long push home.


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