MaksDaddy Herald

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

The History of Maksdaddy - Homes

After spending my childhood and most of my years at Tutbury one evening the family sat down around the family round table and dad explained that we would be moving to Bangkok, Thailand. I most likely phased out there daydreaming of what it would be like to life in a new country that I knew nothing about. I'd been to singapore for 10 days when I was 14 while on a School cricket tour but apart from that I had no idea of what to expect apart from the heat and humidity.

Well on July 4th 1993 (independance day) I remember boarding the plane just a few days after the school ball and staring out of the window as raced down the runway and nose to the sky we lifted off and the view on a clear blue day was a vision I won't forget as I could clearly see the airport below right up to the Whangaparoa penninsula. 11 hours later we touched down on foreign soil and I rechecked my bag for any 'non mikey goods' for fear of any drugs that had been slipped in. Just a tip I put in my mind after watching a Nicole Kidman movie called Bangkok Hilton. I was all excited until the moment we stepped off the plane and the heat swelled up and I thought "CRICKEY it's Hot".
We got to our new home and Karyn and I got to check out our new bedroom's, we both dove onto our beds with an almight Thwack. The beds were so hard and so unexpected it was like falling on the floor and Karyn and I could each hear the thud come from each others room. Later I was too enjoy the firmer bed as it did wonders for my back and I started to sleep better in more comfort than I had when I lived in NZ. The next morning I woke to the rattle of the airconditioner that had been going all night to keep me cool and the new sunlight and smells that affirmed that you were now in a new country. We walked around the corner to the complex to check out the pool which we would enjoy regularly and got sorted unpacking. We drove down the road to check out where dad worked, karyns new school and to the mall to see what we could buy to set up our thailand household.
Such a change standing at the top of the mall looking down at the mirade of black haired heads, looked like an ant farm up close and personal.
The location of our house was located a little east of the Main city centre and would take us over an hour to get there due to traffic. It was called Moo Ban Home Place and we lived there for about a year and created many memories in that time. One cherrished memory of all the family and friends that stayed with us is when Nanna and Grandad came to stay with us. We planned to go out for dinner and we were all down stairs in the living room when Grandad and Dad came walking down the stairs together. The sight was a definate father and son moment, to explain, they both got ready in seperate rooms yet came down wearing almost identical clothing, Same clean sweapt hair cut, framed glasses, shirt, jacket, pants, belt and shoes.
Sorry dad if your reading this but a candid camera moment.


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