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Monday, February 19, 2007

Maks Update 19th February 2007

Saturday, Makayla and I met my good friends Robin and Kylie with their kids Khan (20months) and Daria(6months) at the Auckland City Zoo on Saturday morning.
The first place we went was the Pridelands where we saw zebra's and jiraffes running, eating and generally doing what they do. I showed her some Springboks to show her some of her heritage but they were mostly just sitting on the ground not doing much. She didn't quite know what to make of the Rhino as it was up close and personal and his size n shape got her confused a little I think. We also saw lions enjoying the sun BUT when we saw the elephants did she enjoy that without a doubt.
After that we decided to give the kids a break, Maks had some juice and a small snack before jumping out of her push chair to run and chase the birds which we found out later via an announcment over the zoo's intercom that we're not sposed to do that, oh well.
We then went to see the hippo, sealions and penguins and more elephants being fed bamboo. Maks pointed out the baby Orangutan and the tiger was magnificent. By this stage after 2.5 hours of wallking around the zoo we decided to call it a day as the kids were getting tired and the heat was intensifying.
Maks naturally slept in the car on the way home and then for about 1-2 hours in her cot which as always is just the cutest.
I pick her up early today in about an hour and I just can't wait to give my little darling a big big cuddle when she runs into my arms


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