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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

ETNZ Go 3 Up In LV Final

LV Cup Final – Results
Winner: first team to win five matches.

ETNZ 1 1 1 Total 3
LUNA ROSSA 0 0 0 Total 0

The Third Race of the Louis Vuitton Final saw ETNZ gain their 3rd straight victory and put them right in contention for the match up against Alingi. With 3 wins under their belt the pressure has eased but not at all released on ETNZ however the LR camp must be under some effects of morale knwoing that much pressure is on their shoulders now. This is a time that we need to consistently be better than the day before with the lead up to the America's Cup. The team work is solid and easily seen with the clean set around the top mark where the only concern is the Gybe routine which lacks the finess when matched to all other facets of ETNZ's game. It's this area that could possibly open a passing lane to LR or even Alingi even if we are sailing tight we cannot afford to allow any opportunity for the opposition to gain any advantage.

We haven't seen Alingi sail for a few months now since possibly the pre-regatta Act 1-12 races and the fleet race where they faired quite well against all the other teams. With plenty of time for Alingi to further test the boat and rigging they have the advantage of having raced with Barker before. Brad Butterworth (afterguard and possibly the worlds best) was in the 2000 campaign with Barker who was the backup skipper to Russel Coutes at that time,so there a moderate advantage but it's been two campaigns since then so it will be interesting to see how we fair once again. Unlike the defense campaign our boat is sturdy and is holding up well in the Valencia waters. The boat is good and strong boat and the team equal to the task, Kiwi support could not be any less required at this point. It's Time To Show Our Colours Kiwi's so get behind our lad's and GO TEAM NEW ZEALAND.


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