MaksDaddy Herald

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Maks Update

Friday afternoon and a rather bleak day as I drove out to Howick on a typical Auckland rainy day to collect Makayla from Kindy. Walking up to concrete ramp trying not to slip on its wet surface I peared into the window where I found her sitting next to her friend Rosie as they gazed at the cartoons on the tv. She saw me walk by the window so I was gleefully greeted at the entrance gate where a bug cuddle awaited before she showed me the drawings she had done and her arts and craft project she made for me also so I gave her praise and thanked her.

Once home, we were greeted by Danika and PohPoh, With my sibling in Hong Kong we had my niece spend the weekend with us. The first night was terrible, the two just wouldn't go to sleep no matter how many times i put them to bed they always found their way out. Then I decided to split them up for alls sake and no more than 5 mins in different beds in different rooms they were fast asleep.

Come morning we drove out to Browns Bay where we had lunch and the kids had fun on the playground. Sometime after lunch I brought maks home for her nap but she didn't really want to have one as she caught about 30 mins in the car however I was somewaht completely exhausted and tried to take a nap. She finally gave in and crawled up onto the couch next to me and we both caught a quick cat nap.

Later in the afternoon we popped over to see Yoni, Choco & Channel (she loves those cats) and were later joined by Danika and mom. The two loved playing with the two cats, then running up and down the hill in the back yard then dancing teaching Yoni to Jibaroo. After a long exhausting day, the two girls went down without much fuss or prompting and both were fast asleep by 8pm latest maybe earlier, can't quite recall which left me time to recoup myself with what energy levels were remaining.


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