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Saturday, August 09, 2008

As if it wasn't bad enough

If approved by Government ministers a scheme that be phased in over a 3 year period will have Auckland motorists paying more TAX on their petrol after the regional council voted to approve this new regional fuel tax.

Here's how it stacks at the moment that for every litre of petrol purchased, NZ motorists pay taxes, duties and levies totalling 50.539 cents (as at 1 July 2007)

23.8 cents—National Land Transport Fund
18.7 cents—General Crown Account
7.33 cents—ACC Motor Vehicle Account
0.66 cents—Local Authority Petroleum Tax
0.025 cents—Petroleum Fuels Monitoring Tax

Now adding to that for Aucklanders an additional 5 cents its highway robbery.

The reason for the added tax is that they hope the scheme will raise $600m+ to buy new trains (electric) for the auckland rail network including station upgrades. The scheme is set to start off at 1 cent/ltr levy in July 2009 but I put the point to be made here is that the rail system doesnt work. They are marketed terribly if at all, have a low dependancy rating for being on time and have a terrible reputation. Simply to electrify the rail system is just not enough and like most things Auckland does in its development is only a short term solution and has absolutely no future insight I make reference to the new motorway system.
The costs only skyrocket cos as noted in my blog below there is no unified Auckland so how can we bring it all together?
How can we make our train systems as fast and reliable to the likes of the Swiss or Japanese? One particular train in Japan has a record that the latest its EVER been in its history is 6 seconds, we'd struggle to make 6 hours at the rate were heading.

I'm completely outraged...

So, Aucklanders whom work for a living and have the their income TAXED by the IRD and decide to use whats left over to purchase a car and pay GST TAX on that, then pay the LTSA (a Government body) Resitration Fee's (fancy way to say TAX) that again includes GST TAX to put said car on the road then pay TAX on the petrol that's already been TAXED. And this is prior to additional GST TAX costs for insuring a vehicle, and other on road costs. Moreso if you directly imported the vehicle into the country you have furthermore costs involved for TAX payments.

Of all the funds that they receive via this subjection to GST, why is it that I still drive 2k's in any direction from my residence on roads that are similar to that of a goat track in Peru. How do they find themselves constantly seeking further funds and as part of council/govt elections they always spout on about making our roads better. Every month outside my apartment there are constant road works occuring as they dig up the road and then cover what ever they did with tar, only to rip it up the following month, Can't we get anything right the first time?

I can understand the want and need for an improved transporation system but under current style of management we would have the option of flying cars before that ever eventuated.


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