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Friday, September 05, 2008

Use of Cell Phone Whilst Driving Rule

I believe that yesturday, a Road User Amendment Rule proposing the ban of using a cell phone whilst driving has been released for public consultation. This rule would still allow use of a cell phone while driving but it 'must be' handsfree operated. The rule has been issued due to an increasing number of accidents casued by drivers not paying attention to the road and are focused on their phones. The rate they of accidents as more than doubled in the last 6 weeks alone and they state that using a phone under these circumstance raises the liklihood of an accident by 4 times.
Mobile technology is ever increasing where in fact if you want to track how fast technology over all in accellerating, just look at your cell phone. They have come leaps and bounds in only a short time for the new Iphone G3 is a great example bringing new technology to the forefront. When they first combined a phone with a digital camera the pictures were terrible but a great idea, now they are combined with features such as MP3, video, video calling, accessing email, even making stock exchange buy and sell options. So we can see with all these functions available, how can a typical driver concerntrate on driving without replying to a text straight away or missing a stock option.

Its probably a fair call and being a responsible driver I personally would feel much safer on the roads, especially with a child in the back. If I was the best driver in the world it could all come crashing down with just one person not paying attention on the road.

So people Drive responsibly, Drive safe.


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