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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Running Mate Debate - countdown

Shortly the follow up debate to McCain and Obama shall commence between Palin and Biden.

Biden whos experience far outweights that of Palin can often come across as bit of a rambler, short and direct but now he is up against Palin a relative newcomer but not one to be counted out as she completely ruled during her Governor debates so can definately hold her own against the experienced.

The challenge for Biden I see to be a difficult road due to the fact that to sell and support Obama whilst at the same time crushing Palin, but heres the trick, he has to do it with a subtle nature as not to loose out on the female votes for the Democrates. Here's where Palin may gain some ground and if smart can work that to her advantage if she corners Biden whom is often an agressive debater coming out with guns blazing.

I have watched the debate between the presidential candidates and have to admit that I felt that McCain made some very valid points that got me thinking however was unable to sell me on the whole idea. Obama during the first 20 mins started to say "I agree with Senator McCain..." before adding his jibe to the mix. I felt that both talked on valid issues but at times strayed and avoided specifics so once the debate was concluded I found myself scratching my head and thinking, maybe I should watch this again and see if there's more I can grb from it. But instead found listening to Canadian comedian Russell Peters more entertaining.

To follow the American Presidential Elections coming from a small tiny country (New Zealand) so far away from basically, well alot of things. Its important to understand whats happening in America as what often happens there will eventually filter out to the world. Sometime subtle and sometimes faster than we can blink an eye so the outcome of whom steps into the oval office in January will have a controlling affect on the world.


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