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Friday, March 07, 2008

End of an Era

My final night went as planned, to have an absolute blow out however before we get to that lets run down how I spent my last day....
After another night of drinking and dancing again was woken by the morning sunlight streaming across my bed as I slumbered peacefully. Shortly to follow were the beating drums denoting it was time for breakfast a routine I was slowly starting to become accustomed too. rising from the bunk bed and reaching for my sulu, glasses and t-shirt putting the on straining aching mussel's over sun-burnt shoulders and shuffling out the door down the sandy path to the main eating area.
As we lined up and qued for our first meal of the day the thought ran thru my mind as to how to spend my last day on the island. I came to the conclusion that I would make no plan and thought what happens happens. A casual dip in the ocean followed by a restful nap on the beach before lunch ended up as the winning solution.
Later that afternoon we went out for a boat ride to feed the fish and learnt how to catch fish in the open ocean by hand. The boat itself had a glass bottom allowing us to remain dry all the time viewing the colourful coral reef and small to large fish swimming beneath. On our ride in I could sense a low pressure lull in the atmosphere so my attention then turned to the thickening thunderstorm on the mainland and calculated that it would be apon us in 30 minutes, I miscalcuated 10 minutes to early as it started faintly then getting heavier and thicker until the eventual downpour.
At which time I decided to take a swim, the water was still just as warm and I and several others swam around in the rain for about 40 minutes enjoying the feel and sound as the rain fell. We only got out as happy hour approached.
A quick run up to shower and change then back to the bar to start the night off with merriment. On my return to the bar I noticed Jessica and Veronica (from Switzerland-Geneva)sitting there calling me over. I'd met them initially on the boat ride out to Manta Ray, where they continued on to another island joining me on Manta Ray the following night, and then catching up on Beachcomber two days later.
It was both our last night out on the islands so after dinner we got a jug of beer and set about to enjoy what was left of our time in the Fiji islands.
Tonight's entertainment was crab racing, they auctioned off 20 countries, I one two, the first was Rooney for England at $23 and teh second was The All Blacks for NZ at $45. Then the action began, the bucket was raised and away they went as we waited to see who would win. The pressure was that I spent all my cash to purchase them so like poker it was an All-In option so if I lost, I was out of pocket.
During the bidding for NZ I was playing against some other kiwi's and Jessica and I were pushing the price up on them but they were too slow ti catch the next bet so unplanned I ended up winning the bid.
The result was Mick from Brisbane came third at $60, I came in second at $100 and Merlin from Brisbane came first at $160.
So i came out with a $32 profit, so it was off to the bar to enjoy the winnings.
The night continued on well into the night as we danced and drank the night well into the next day. The music stopped at about 2 or 3am but that didn't stop us for all we did for those remaining at the party was grab the guitars and continue the party.

Crashed at about sometime after 4am

Then the usual awakening by sunlight in the morning...

The saga closes...


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