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Monday, March 10, 2008

Start of a new day

This morning there was no sound of drums beating for a third consecutive day and while my time in the tropics was short lived it was something that I easily became accustomed to hearing. There was no problems getting up in the morning and after many heavy nights drinking there was an absence of any such hangover only the objective of pancakes and pineapple syrup.

The ache of raising myself from my bed was only all too unnaturally natural as I struggled with the knowledge that 9 hours slumbering infront of a computer talking sales and finance lay before me. And already the time spent vacationing in fiji seemed somewhat of a dream, a dream that now seems far and distant as I trudged across the road to work. I realised that the ability to recall all 15 passwords to fire up my systems was surreal that it was as if I'd never gone at all as the computer sreen glared back towards me as if to mock. I looked to the left where I keep a photo of my daughter knowing that it was two years out of date and that it should be replaced with a more recent photo but it's there to kept my motivation as I struggle to cope with the long drawn out days that seem to get longer by the minute.

Sure people were interested in what I had seen and done in Fiji so I went home at lunch to retrieve my camera to storyline my travels. But all they seemed to care was the cute girls I met along the way, photo's I shall post shortly after this blog.

The days at GE I have determined will now be limited as I go in search of far greater acheivements in my professional career. The place has been sucking the life out of me for sometime now and actually brought me to the point of taking a holiday but coming back with fond memories but as though I'd never left.

So I leave you now to post photo's and then search for alternative possibilities.


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