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Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Ten Minutes ago, CNN announced the new President of the United States and Commander and Chief is Barrack Obama(democrat). Obama will become the 43rd president to take office and be the first Black american to reside in the Oval Office. His running mate Joe Biden will follow him to Washington DC to take the position as Vice-President.

John McCain(Republican) fought well like a trooper right up to the last minute and congratulate him on a well run campaign in what will probably go down in posterity as the presidential election of the century.

On a side bar I still prefered David Palmer as the first black american president from the TV series 24.


  • At 1:56 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Stupid CNN, they quoted him as the 43rd as to why I noted that but he's actually the 44th American President in a long line of notable Historical listings such as Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, JFK, George Washington, Nixon, Roosevelt etc etc.



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