NZ Elections 2008
Lastnight the leader debate was televised with childish arguments with John Campbell struggling to keep both Labour and National Leaders in Tow. I think John did a great job given the circumstances but felt the debate was unprofessional compared to the more mature debates between McCain and Obama and even Palin and Biden. They brought up the 'Trust' issue and Helen noted that Labour has reduced unemployment and crime rate yet we are finding more redundancies than ever before and the crime rate has gotten severly out of control with serious murders occuring more commonly. National and ACT both want strickter laws governing crime in NZ ie. 3 strikes and your out and all Labour say is "trust us" which is an easy statement to make. Recall the story of Mogli in the Juggle Book and the Snake whos catch phrase was "trust in me." Well that's how I personally see Labour presently as a snake lurking in the shadows swallowing up the economy under mismanagement.
Jumped for Joy when Rodney(ACT) joined with John Keys as they are the parties I wish to take on the new government. While my vote goes for ACT, I strongly support John Keys also to take the helm and lead NZ into a prosperous future.
Jumped for Joy when Rodney(ACT) joined with John Keys as they are the parties I wish to take on the new government. While my vote goes for ACT, I strongly support John Keys also to take the helm and lead NZ into a prosperous future.
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