MaksDaddy Herald

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


It had to start sometime and here it is... the new beginning for me and my golf game. The Odyssey putter which I've had my eye on for sometime has now found its way to my possesion. Since Sunday evening I've been sick and spent the past few days off work and yesturday morning bored and surfing the net I had been keeping a particular eye on this putter on and was surprised to see that it had an hour to go and no-one had placed any bids which for his type of putter is quite rare. It had an opening price of $200 and a buy now of $240. I decided to track it more closely and when it closed with no bids I was quite astounded and thought about seeking a fixed price but thought I'd leave it for a while. That same evening I checked my emails and found a fixed price had been offered for $200 so after much nail biting I decided to take the jump and take the bargin. The club is in excellent condition and could been seen as broken in, also has a new grip so kindly supplied by new friend the golfing fireman.
Here's a photo.... (above)
Now its just up to me to prove that I can be affective on the greens with it.


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