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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Maks Update 7th March 2007

I picked makayla up from Donne Sunday morning and we went straight to do some grocery shopping. I always follow a specific route when shopping with her going for the grocery area first and teaching Makayla the various fruits, vegetables and other items. She is becoming more aware of items now and can identify what items I'm holding and what goes into the basket. I then quickly dart through several basic non-food aisles for cleaning products and other items before stopping in the bakery area to get some bread rolls so I can open them and let her happily munch on some bread to settle her stomach. Then we continue on our merry way getting the rest of the items.

After the weeks groceries had been purchased at the usual astounding cost, we walked down to the Warehouse to get her some new shoes as shes out grown all the shoes I have. We got her some pink jandles and a pair of winne the pooh shoes that have little flashing lights as she walks.

Then I tried several times to put her down to rest but she fought continually so we went to visit Simon and Yoni at their new house. Simon kindly gave Maks some ham and bread which she happily chewed down. We played in the garden out back and then with the large box their dryer came in, We cut a little window and put her in it as a little Wendy House and she LOVED it.
She took her teddy bear in and they had a ball playing inside. Simon and I then recalled how much boxes became so much fun as kids where I used them to make the General Lee (Dukes of Hazard) and Kitt (Knight Rider). Got some great photo's of her playing and will post them on to the photo archive tonight - as a reminder please provide me with you email address as I have blocked access to that website allowing only specific users to access.

Now aparantly when Danika got to kindy yesturday maks was happily painting away so when Danika ran up to her maks turned around with paint brush in hand and eloquently painted Danika's brand new T-shirt HA HA HA HA. priceless. Then they were happy to play together, honestly those two are more like sisters than cousins.
Simon and Yoni came around for a visit lastnight, its my belief they are totally ready for parenthood and Yoni has become ever so clucky. Put maks down in my bed and she was happy to lie with her dolly before dropping off to sleep.

I'm noticing as of recent that she seem's to have grown ever so slightly but enough to show significant changes. Her baby rolls have all but disappeared now :-( and she's able to climb up on to my bed unassisted and reach items off the table or counter at more ease. Just small things I'm noticing, even just standing she seems much taller now visually.

I drop her off to work and after getting to work, all I want to do it see her and chase her, read to her, chase and count the birds..... she's just so much fun !! !! But gotta work to pay for all her needs and as she gets older hmmmm lets not think about that! just yet


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