MaksDaddy Herald

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Maks Update March 2nd 2007

Due to my work hours this week Karyn picked Makayla up from Kindy today along with Danika and I was told they walked all the way back to her house holding hands. Those two sure do love each others and while being cousins they act more and more like siblings. Karyn brought them up to my place with cheeky grins on both their faces and held each others hand from the car to the lobby before Maks wanted to help me carrry some bags to which she likes to do, I like to think that she likes to assist me.
She seemed pretty eager for dinner so gave that to her fairly promptly on arriving home and she gulped it all down in a blink of an eye. After that we read a few books and sung nursery rhymes and trying to teach her to sing along with me now. Bath Time was next and then clean fresh PJ's before Simon and Yoni came round to visit which was great as Yoni (Simons Wife) just loved playing games with her and Maks had a blast too.
Lastnight also marks a special occaision as its the first time I've been able to sit in my chair and give maks a hug and told her to give everyone a hug good night and toddle off to bed. Without me having to budge she went straight into her room and climbed into bed and put her head down. Think she must've been quite exhausted for her to do that but she did it on her own freewill and Yoni went in 5 mins later just to cover her with a blanket.
She woke early again this morning and I thought it was like yesturday when she woke at 0530am so was shocked when my alarm clock showed 0330am so we just lay down and went back to sleep. It was weetbix this morning and a quick hi to Ray in Gaucho's and off to Kindy where shortly at 9am Danika will arrive and those two will tear the place apart. Will pick her up at 5pm this afternoon after I've met her Aunty Leighann for lunch and checked out Simon and Yoni's new purchased residence in Mission Bay. Donne will pick her up tonight after she finishes the late shift where I will have her fed, bathed and ready for her mom's hugs.


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