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Monday, August 21, 2006

A long productive weekend

It all started early friday morning as I prepared for a round of golf at the local public course (Chamberlain Park). I arrived early as I wanted to make the most of the day and ended up sitting around due to the fog/mist that lay across the entire course so I made the time up by practising my putting which has always been the major downfall to my final round score.
Once the mist cleared around 9am I took to the tee joining two other getns Andrew and Tom I met that morning and we went round the course in just under 4 hours. Shot 86 due to my terrible wedge play but my putting has improved dramatically which kept my score down nicely.
After the round of golf it was back home to tidy up and clean the apartment once lunch had been put down the human tracked and make sure I had plenty of clean clothes for Makayla when I picked her up from daycare. Well sure enough 5pm came around quickly and I popped down to pick her up and bring her home for a bath and dinner where she made quick work of dinner which mean't I had to cook for more her. Donne came round to pick her up about 18:30hrs to which I then ran off to meet my team from work for a dinner to celebrate coming fist in revenue for the month of July. It was a good dinner with great company but I was rather shattered from a long day and wanted an early night as had golf with the boys early the next morning.
We had dinner at tony's steak house on Lorne street and I was not too impressed by either the service of the meal unfortunately which was rather disappointing, but I'm over it as we didn't have to pay for it.
If your in Auckland New Zealand and want a good steak, you need to visit Lord Nelson's on Victoria Street in the CBD, and you'll get a perfect steak the way you like it, cooked to perfection.
The morning started on saturday rising at 0530am and leaving for an early tee-off time at Formosa country club with Simon and Jason. Seeing I was still feeling abit raw from the day prior it affected my swing but my putting was again improved.
We finished early around 1230hrs to which I then called Donne as we had a plan to go shopping but that was cancelled and I decided to stop by the supermarket and stock up on the way home. Donne dropped Mak's off mid-late afternoon and went back to Sarah's for the night while I took the little grump. Sunday was again a sort of early start giving Maks a bath and breakfast then we jumped in the car (I had Donne's car as I promised her I'd clean it for her) and it was down the road to wash and vacuum Donne's car. it looks way different now, lets just say that and leave it there. Then Donne came round here just after noon and we went shopping for some items at the Warehouse (where everyone gets a bargain) then went back to her house where we spent the entire afternoon cleaning her house out. It was a really productive day I was quite happy with all i'd got done even though it wasn't for me. Ended up crashing at Donne's house as we had taken her car out and it was late and Mak's was in bed already. Before she went to bed she joked that she'd wake me at 0530am - yet it was me her had to knock on her door at 0622am saying "Uh-Oh" needless to say we ran a little late getting to work.
Well that was the weekend in a nut shell, apart from the Maks update above.....


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