MaksDaddy Herald

The Prestigeous and critically acclaimed News Bulletin website that provides you with up to the minute news, views and goss as it happens, only later. circa since 1905

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The beginning of a new month

In a few moments it will be september.
What will the next month bring? Well its yet another month we can put behind us and smile towards another. Been a busy and hectic few weeks that I'm absolutely shattered to update my blog but rest assured here I am once again. The most I can do is have just enough brain capasity to watch and understand The Simpson's each evening hahaha
The rest of the night is spent chilling out an procrastinating against other things like doing the washing and ironing and even more, cooking and washing up so its been back to take outs again until I get the chance to go grocery shopping which i plan to do tomorrow then pop down for a sauna and relax.
Well going to try and get some sleep now

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Seems to be getting worse over the past few weeks where I'm getting by on only a few hours sleep a day. Its a short blink and then its morning before I've felt completely rested. Think I was able to get two hours sleep last night but just not sleeping at at and its truely making work difficult as start fading out before I'm halfway into the day and loose concerntration. See not even spelling correctly and too tired to bother chaning it, DANG.
At work at the moment just bearly hanging in so here I am updating my blog to stay concious-plus i haven't updated it for over a week now which is most unusual.
Anyway gotta get back to work now

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Late Night Update

Sunday: was Makayla's four month birthday where we had a nice fun day but she was asleep at her birth time so figured I'd allow her to sleep. She has recently started to sucking her bottom lip which just looks so funny and a complete darling.
Thursday: Tonight I finished work early to look after Princess which worked out well that I could drop off the phones early which reduces the number of calls taken and allow's me to take more call's tomorrow to ensure I obtain the opportunity to bring new clients on board. Later this evening I went out to Parnell to the Denim bar to catch up with a good mate Rog Good from good ol' Kristin days. You can catch rob on his blogsite - look forward o catching up wih him again in November for his 30th, will make sure to get him some good ol kiwi beer :-) and non of this vodka feijoa hahahaa
Rob, if ya reading this... great to caatch up with ya buddy
That's all from me for now, cheers ya'll

Mid Week News Bulletin

There is No News

Saturday, August 13, 2005

For Love...

Over Coming Obstacles

Your heart is not living until it has experienced pain.... The pain of love breaks open the heart, even if it is as hard as a rock."
Hazart Inayat Khan

Friday, August 12, 2005

Mak Update August 12th

With small hands that grip your little finger with a mighty grap and eyes so bright gazing up at your as you hold her safely in your arms. Such a small life with a big bright future laid before her with the love of her parents capturing your immortality with one big smile. I find myself blessed to be her father and an honourable badge I wear proudly.

Come two days time she will four months old and at this point we haven't decided how to celebrate her birth. The birthday I will NOT miss, at her last birthday at three months I was held up in traffic and missed her birth time by 5 minutes. As I turned the last corner approaching her house my watch alarm went off sending me into torrents of tears for being late. Upset for being late, angry for not being there, cursed by traffic, unlucky by time I held her in my arms and said I will not miss the next for anything.
Weighing at just over 6kg's now, its a far cry from her birth weight which is half what she is now proving how quickly a child can grow. Her long thin fingers from birth have now filled out yet still looking ever so delicate as they move about in motion.

A vision of my joy

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Thursday July 11th

Like a slow withdrawing tide creeping away from the shore line, so matched my sleep. Eyelips becoming heavy around 1am this morning long after the sun had lapsed and closer to a new dawn. Woken to the sound of movement on the street below as people scuffle about too and frow about their business as I slumbered half asleep half awake. The thoughts surrounding my mind as I lay in bed were to start work on time today yet the drive to get in an hour early tempted me strongly. Enough to draw me from comfort and security to step out beyond the front door and face the intrepid day with grit determination.
The constant idea that we now live in the computer age where they can do marvellous things indeed to help you in your work, but at a hightened risk of system crashes eleviates the stress levels to the point of realising "is it all worth it".
I asked myeelf, why am I here an hour early, what am I doing here... for the next hour I questioned this to the point there was little more to contemplate. This whole thought process was interupted when later that day it was all put into place when I was advised that my name is currently in first place leading the monthly stats. This was most exciting and finally had confirmation that all my hard work was starting to pay dividends. It would be fitting to say that "I can sleep easier tonight..." but too those whom know me best of all, know that the likely hood of that happening anytime soon would be an understatement.
The silence stirred only my my tapping on a key board as I lay now in my four wall cell, looking up at a framed photo of my daughter. I wish to send her a kiss goodnight, sweet dreams and my love X0X0X0X

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


A quote...

"Its what you learn after you think you know it all that's most important..."
Butch Harmon, couch to Tiger Woods

A Late Update

This last sunday was wonderfully spent catching up with my very good friend Kylie and her precious son Khan (african for Prince). We went out for lunch to the place we met, The Copthorne harbourcity hotel by Auckland's viaduct basin where we used to hold the America's Cup. It was great catching up with Kylie as we don't see each other as often as we would like to as our lives have taken on higher responsibilities now we have children of our own. Khan is a little younger than Makayla but he's a big boy like his daddy Robin who was unfortunately unable to join us as he was in a fireman's annual conference for the weekend. If anyone told Kylie and I we would be sitting in the hotel bar 8 years later and have kids of our own we'd have laughed, especially me. I'd have been "Sure, like I'm that lucky..." But luck smiled happily on myself and Kylie and blessed us with adorable healthy babies.
The time between Monday morning and now is all bit of a blurr, its not been a very successful week at all with my great stats going to the gutter due to servicing too many service calls where sales aren't able to be processed. So its been a rather rotten start to the week, so I look forward to the rest of the week being more prosperous.
Its hard to believe its thursday tomorrow, but the good news is that I did pop over to see Makayla tonight, who unfortunately was in a grumpy mood. She just follow up injections today and is still sore from those with little bruises on her thighs. The poor sweetie, but she's all good otherwise and always can put a smile on her daddy's face.
She will be 4 months old this Sunday which is exciting so keep that in your diary.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

To some one special

"Erase the world around you and you will still have me"

"It's like I'm that star so far away but you see me anyway..."


More Profanity

Love your life Feel the pain, and not runaway
Stare the evil in the eye,

and face another day

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friday through Saturday

Friday began somewhere around 9am as I walked into work on my day off. Follwing the first two calls made that morning, two accounts were lost and brought the morning to a standstill, another was declined and will most likely not go through due to non-compliance. However the morning did finish with 2 deals drawndown which is one less than my target for the week. With that I decided to take my day off and play nine holes of golf at Takapuna municipal golf course. Sounds interesting but the way I played it was better off I had've stayed at the office and aimed to close on my weeks goal.
5pm, I returned to work to take part in the end of month drinks when a team meeting was called, so a few beers, and the boys gathered in the meeting room to discuss how we could aim to be the team on top for the month. I was surprised to learn that I'm leading in stat's for my team however several of them have been away during this time so I'm not leading to any forgone conclusions. I was also advised that there is a bonus scheme in place for this month if you can finance $1million for the month. I was encouraged to go for it as by the 5th of August I has already dealt 1/4 million so if I'm able to run the same as I have currently been then the bonus is well in reach. after that it was home to cook dinner and ready the place for Makayla's arrival.
Saturday was an early start with princess waking me a 5am for bit of a laughing session, then I fed her at about 6am. Dropped princess off with Betty and Stephen who were going to babysit her while I went to help sarah move houses. Once I picked sez up we went to collect the trailor it was time to move - this pretty much killed a few hours. Picked Makayla up just after midday and then back to sarah's to get some food - then princess and I went to Botany to surprise mommy at work.
have pretty much just got back from there only now with the intention of going to a video release party tonight however I'm just too shattered as Not been sleeping for the past week. Actually I've not been a good sleeper for years now but this past week has just gotten worse, I'm currently living on 4 hours sleep a day.
I also want to stay up to watch the rugby at 1am also as its the All Blacks versus the Bokke which is guaranteed to be a great game, but I'm fighting my sleep right now. Absolutely shattered and tired, but not needing sleep if that makes any sense.
Would just like to note that my minds completely gone so the above maynot make any sense.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

One last Word for the night

Just want to say to my princess, Good Night, Sweet Dreams and daddy loves you so much.

Change in Thursday's

For the past month Thursday's have been a really huge hurdle to overcome but this all seemed to change this week. Today was a relatively decent day with several deals settled, a few more on their way and a couple of strong account leads. I belive looking back on the week, bearing in mind that there is still Friday pending that Thursday was replaced by Monday. Monday just ended up being an absolute shocker and it just snow balled from 5am till 1am Tuesday morning. Tuesday was better but not by much but a far cry better than Monday had been but its all good. Still pushed on with grit and will to succeed and come the weekend I plan to have 3 to four more accounts settled and that's my goal for "where there's a will there's a way".
Well that's work been and done...
On the lighter front, Jake and I were absolutely shattered after long hours of work yesturday and neither had the energy to cook dinner. So we went down the road to the asian food court to a japanese teppan yaki place, but overlooking the food, it also gave Jake the opportunity to view into the restaurant at the Quay West where he manages the restaurant and was able to see first hand what actually happens when he's not there. It was rather humourous, and while viewing from afar across the road from another building I could see that there is some serious room for improvement. This makes me happy personally to know that I haven't lost my hospitality skills, and why should I, after having spent the better half of a decade in the industry.
Well here I sit, ready for Friday... I'm ready for ya.
I realised that I have tomorrow off even, however I'm still going in for a few hours as there are several accounts that require my attention and my clients deserve that. Plus its also end of month drinks at work too and I need not say more than that.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mom's Farewell

Tommorrow mom fly's back to Hong Kong where she will take up her position as the official NZ tour guide to relatives and friends who visit Hong Kong.
Tonight after Donne dropped makayla off to spend sometime time with her nutty granny, we went down to my aunties for dinner with Jake, Karyn and Danika in tow. A lovely dinner once again, cheers betty and stephen, truly needed a wholesome meal after a hectic week that left us all to tired to cook a decent meal for dinner. Grandmother and Grand-daughter are now spending some nice quality time together and I've truly enjoyed watching mom with her and seeing them bond. Its important for grandparents to spend time with their grandchildren, not only does it give the parents a good break :-) but its wonderful to see the bond's they make. I have a photo of dad and princess sleeping together on the sofa which is a funny photo to treasure. Small keepsakes are a wonderous thing but I'm going to force myself to restrict what I keep but think I will find that difficult. Mom still has most of the things karyn and I did as kids which we thought was silly to do but as we get older and of course have kids of our own now its only all to easy to understand why you wish to hold on to small trinkets.
"Bless her little cotten softs"

Welcoming Tuesday

Its not been the best of days but I'm here in Tuesday now and its a brand new day.
Horoscope noted that I have to stay positive, while I believe that to be somewhat a little generic for a horoscope a little optimism can go along way.
It was a very long day at work with many other stresses aside we pushed through with grit determination. At the moment

Monday, August 01, 2005

Melting away Monday morning

i have become so numb i can't feel you there
i have become so tired so much more aware
i have becoming this all i want to do
is be more like me and
like you